Dental Hygiene – Something to Pay Attention Immediately

Our overall health depends on our dental health, this is why proper oral hygiene has a pivotal role in keeping us healthy. Dental hygiene can be assured by daily brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist for routine dental inspections and cleaning. Preventive dentistry is as important as oral hygiene, as it gives you the confidence and chance to smile beautifully and have long-lasting oral health. Veteran dentists from across the globe offer different dental hygiene tips to keep your teeth healthy throughout your life, and this article explores the most useful ones.

What is Oral Hygiene?

Dental hygiene is the name given to the steps taken by an individual to keep her mouth and teeth healthy, clean, and free from diseases. As mentioned above, it involves brushing and flossing and getting routine examinations done by a certified dentist.

Why is Oral Hygiene Important?

Oral Hygiene is mainly a preventive step to immune your mouth from problems such as cavities, gum diseases, and bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis and several others. Researches show that some minor dental issues like gingivitis and periodontitis can contribute to certain health conditions like –

Cardiovascular disease
Endocarditis (infection of your heart’s inner lining)
Pregnancy complications, such as premature birth and low birth weight

Then, some health issues can have a negative impact on your teeth and gums in the absence of proper oral care and dental hygiene. The top names are –

Alzheimer’s disease

Dental hygiene becomes even more imperative and mandatory if a person is suffering from any of the four health issues mentioned above. Poor oral hygiene gets revealed through some warning signs, and if any of these are present, it is recommended to visit the nearest dentist as soon as possible.

Bleeding Gums
Tooth Decay
Chronic Bad Breath
Loose Teeth
Gum Recession
Mouth Sores That Don’t Go Away
Swelling Of The Jaw
Gingivostomatitis [it is a mouth infection caused by certain bacteria and viruses in the absence of proper dental hygiene]
Good Dental Hygiene Routines to Follow Regularly

Apart from visiting the dentist, there are some steps that we can take at home only as a part of our regular daily routine to keep our teeth healthy.

Never Go To Bed without Brushing

A common suggestion that we all are given right from our childhood is that we should brush at least twice a day, but this is also the least followed the advice. Most of us never brush before going to bed at night, and this allows germs to accumulate and continue damaging our gums and teeth.

Brush Properly

Leave aside brushing twice a day and dental hygiene; people these days don t even have time to brush their teeth properly at least once a day. This is another major mistake that we don t take brushing our teeth as seriously as we should. You should take your time in brushing and move the toothbrush in a circular motion very gently to remove plaque. Remember, if not removed regularly, it will harden and result in calculus build-up and issues like gingivitis or premature gum diseases.

Never Ignore Your Tongue

Dental hygiene also includes taking care of the tongue because plaque can develop there too, and lead to foul mouth odor. It can also become a reason for several other dental issues, but they can be averted by brushing the tongue gently during the ‘brushing your teeth’ session.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

A very common mistake that we commit in terms of dental hygiene is that we focus more on whitening powers and flavors rather than the ingredients used in toothpaste. No matter which brand you use, you must ensure that it contains fluoride, as it is tagged as the most robust shield against tooth decay and other dental issues.

Treat ‘Flossing’ As Important As Brushing

Some people who know the importance of brushing twice a day think that this is the best remedy for any dental issue forgetting that flossing is another significant step towards the same. Flossing ensures that small and microscopic pieces of food that are stuck between the teeth are removed, and it also stimulates gums to reduce the chances of plaque formation and inflammation.

Antibacterial Mouthwash Is Vital

Antibacterial mouthwash would be an essential inclusion in your dental hygiene routine, as it ensures that your mouth stays free from any bacteria. In addition to removing bacteria, another role of mouthwash is to remove any food chunks and debris stuck in the mouth anywhere in the teeth or gums. By choosing alcohol-free formula, you can prevent the issue of ‘dry mouth’ after using the antibacterial mouthwash.

More Fluid Intake Means A Better Mouth And Better Teeth

Water continues to remain the best fluid for our body, including our oral health as well. Dentists recommend drinking sufficient water after every meal to remove any sticky and acidic food chunks and debris from the mouth.

Limit Sugar and Acidic Food Items

The reason behind including this point is that sugar eventually converts into acids that stay right there in our mouth to erode the natural enamel of our teeth. These acids also lead to cavities, and hence, acidic fruits, tea, coffee, soft drinks, etc., should be avoided altogether.

See Your Dentist At Least Twice a Year

Lastly, it is essential to visit your dentist at least twice a year for a routine examination and assessment of your dental health. This is recommended to ensure that any underlying problem is detected on time and issues like plaque, calculus, and other debris, etc., are removed straightaway. The dentist will also look for cavities and other potential problems and recommend treatments and solutions to mitigate them in their early stage. (Make sure you have proper to aid you in your day-to-day activities)

Dental Hygiene and Health FAQs

How to Maintain Good Dental Hygiene?

Brushing twice a day, not ignoring the importance of flossing, limiting your sugar intake, and visiting the dentist twice a year are the top ways you can maintain good dental hygiene.

What Are The Best Ways To Maintain A Healthy Mouth?

Brushing twice a day, flossing, and using an antibacterial mouthwash can be considered the best ways to maintain a healthy mouth. More water intake is also very instrumental in this.

What Is The Most Important Part Of Dental Hygiene?

Not ignoring any underlying problem and visiting the dentist regularly are the two most essential parts of better dental hygiene and health.

What Are The Ways To Keep Teeth And The Gums Healthy?

By avoiding sugar and acidic food and by brushing your teeth as per your dentist’s recommendations, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy for years and years.

What Are The Signs Of Poor Oral Hygiene?

Bleeding gums
Tooth decay
Chronic bad breath
Loose teeth
Gum recession
Recurring Mouth sores
Swelling of the jaw

These are all the symptoms and signs of poor dental hygiene, and you should visit your dentist ASAP.

What Causes Poor Dental Hygiene?

A busy lifestyle has been the biggest culprit behind poor dental hygiene, followed by people paying more attention to overall health while ignoring the basics of dental health

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